Saturday, November 2, 2013

And are we there yet?

Happy Saturday! I hope everyone had a good week. I know I technically shouldn't be posting because it hasn't been two days since my last post, but it's an even numbered day, so you get a bonus post today! I'm looking forward to relaxing some this weekend because last weekend I traveled back to my alma mater to see the theater department's production of Les Miserables!

I had so much fun getting to catch up with my old Technical Director, my former roommate Sarah, and see all my friends! Plus, I got to spend time cuddling with this guy:

Linky - AKA the best cat ever

And, as New England is this time of year, it was ridiculously beautiful. So beautiful I risked life and limb on the drive back to take some pictures.

There's just nothing like New England fall, you guys. Maine has been just as beautiful. The cemetery next to work has looked spookily gorgeous for a couple weeks now.

I can't believe it's going to be Thanksgiving soon! I've almost been here for two months, and it still feels like I just started. Though I know a lot more now. I hope fall is as beautiful where you are as it is here.

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